The multipurpose set reflects the triangular geometric motif inspired by the textural shapes of the sharply cracked Arctic ice pack. This simple stylized shape functions to represent a variety of scenic elements including the vast frozen snow drifts, jagged buckled ice sheets, village iglus, underwater rocks and sea objects, a dark sea monster's cave and a glimmering sub-tundra iceberg hall. The center stage has a pyramid shaped raked platform which provides alternative stage levels and functions as a stage trap for the seal hole--Inuk's portal to the watery underworld. The raked deck supports Inuk's slow rolling fall through the ice down to the bottom of the Arctic Sea. This triangular theme echoes other small scenic units including the upstage masked ground row and the corner down stage properties.
Inuk's slow motion unconscious descent down the raked platform to the ocean floor is dramatically contrasted by the opposing action of the ascending kelp that is flown out from behind the upstage deck's ground row on a masked batten. A downstage batten cradle filled with mylar confetti gently sifts confetti onto the deck to represent sea matter floating in the fluid current.