SOCKEYE RED SALMON Oncorhynchus nerka
Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire
1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
Deep, wise, mystic, graceful, gentle, sensual, creative, prudent, shrewd, elegant, cautious, responsible, calm, strong, constant, purposeful. Loner, taciturn, possessive, hedonistic, self-doubting, distrustful, mendacious, suffocating, cold.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Subclass: Neopterygii
Infraciaa: Teleostei
Order: Salmoniformes
Family: Salmonidae
Genus: Oncorhynchus
Species: O. nerka
Scientific name: Oncorhynchus nerka
Common names: Sockeye, Red, Blueback
Group name: bind or run
Characteristics: The meat gets its color from the ornage krill they eat while in the ocean. The name sockeye comes from a poor attempt to translate the word suk-kegh from BC's native Coast Salish language. Suk-kegh means red fish. The sockeye, also called red or blueback salmon is among the smaller of the seven Pacific salmon species, but their succulent, bright-orange meat is prized above all others.
Length and weight: 24-33 inches in length 5-15 pounds
Color: The sockeye is also called red or blueback salmon. Sea-going sockeyes have silver flanks with black speckles and a bluish top, giving them their "blueback" name. However, as they return upriver to their spawning grounds, their bodies turn bright red and their heads take on a greenish color. Sea-going sockeyes have silver flanks with black speckles and a bluish top, giving them their "blueback" name. However, as they return upriver to their spawning grounds, their bodies turn bright red and their heads take on a greenish color.
Habitat: They are born in fresh water and require a lake nearby to rear in. Once hatched, juvenile sockeyes will stay in their natal habitat for up to three years, more than any other salmon. They then journey out to sea where they grow rapidly. They stay in the ocean for 1-4 years.
Diet: Omnivore--they feed mostly on zooplankton when out to sea.
Reproduction: Breeding-age males have a distinctive look, developing a humped back and hooked jaws filled with tiny, easily visible teeth. Males and females both die within a few weeks after spawning.
Lifespan: 3-5 years average life span in the wild
Predators: man, orca, seals

Kari Glass
paper paint swatch mosaic
23" x 19.5"
paper paint swatch mosaic
23" x 19.5"