RUSSELL CREEK . 5'x7' . Acrylic on Canvas
by Judith Hoersting & Kari Glass
JUKA's Alaska is big, bright and joyous. This is not the place of dark brooding clouds; not the land whose teeth can shred the soul. JUKA's Alaska is one that leaps off the canvas in warm bright hues. It spills off the edge implying fields of summer fireweed nestled in slopes that sweep beyond the frame. JUKA's Alaska is too big for any canvas. Working together JUdith Hoersting and KAri Glass paint a portion letting the larger country lie in the mind of the viewer. The irony is that JUKA's tiny piece of the whole has all the light and expansiveness of the land which provides JUKA its inspiration.

OUT THE ROAD . 7'x6' . Acrylic on Canvas
by Judith Hoersting & Kari Glass
Judith and Kari have put aside the recent egocentric history of western art to reach into the earlier collaborative traditions which created renaissance schools where dozens of artists worked on a single fresco. They have taken collaboration to a new level of selflessness, because neither plays the part of master or apprentice. Both work the canvas equally. They sketch together, often taking turns working the same piece of paper. JUKA's formal concerns are about the play of light and color . . . bright glorious gobs of color. Together they tackle the expansiveness of the Alaska landscape producing canvasses that sing.